
Peace is about generating good news in an area known for bad, showing the world another side to communities affected by gun, knife and gang violence, one of positivity, creativity and fun.


These awards are to recognise and reward outstanding contributions to peace and positive community life in Manchester. There are six categories for which nominations can be made

Nomination Procedure

  • Nominations can be submitted by anyone who lives or works in Manchester provided that he or she is acquainted with the work of the nominee and has permission from the nominee to submit their name/activities for an award.
  • Any individual or organisation can be nominated (self-nominations are accepted) providing that they are resident or based in Manchester and have been carrying out their activity for a minimum of 6 months.
  • Nominations can only be made by submitting an official nomination form. Copies can be downloaded from or by contacting
  • All nominations can be submitted all year round before the closing date end of January 30th.
  • The information provided will be disclosed only to the judges and Carisma staff/officers on a strictly confidential basis.
  • The judges will draw up a shortlist of finalists in each category. All winners, along with selected runners-up, will be given a ticket plus one free guest ticket to the Awards Dinner. There will be opportunity to purchase extra guests tickets, via
  • The winners will be announced at the Awards Dinner in March. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into before or after the judging.

Nomination Categories

  • Community Cohesion/Diversity Award: Individual or group who have been instrumental in bringing together diverse groups in the community for positive change
  • Young Person’s Award: Young person (aged 11-18) who has made an outstanding contribution to their school or community
  • Positive Role model Award: Person who has had most positive affect on young people through their lives.
  • Turn Around Award: Individual who has made greatest turnaround in attitude/behaviour to benefit his/her community
  • Peace Activist Award: Person or group who have made a difference through campaigning for peace and justice.
  • Greater Manchester Peace Award: Individual who has made the most outstanding contribution to their community

Sponsorship Opportunities

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