The Salford Slavery Memorial Day & Honouring the Igbo Landing

The Salford Slavery Memorial Day event and its purpose in
honouring the history of slavery.

  1. Introduction:
    I was deeply honoured to be a keynote speaker, particularly as a
    representative of the Igbo community, which has a unique perspective to
    share.The Salford Memorial Day event is a significant opportunity to
    shed light on the crucial topic of slavery and its profound impact on
    Africa, particularly focusing on the Igbo people and the tragic event
    known as the Igbo Landing.
  2. Historical Context:
    The transatlantic slave trade was one of the darkest chapters in human
    history, involving the capture, transportation, and enslavement of millions
    of Africans. This had and still has a devastating impact on African
    societies, cultures, families, and economies. This exploitation was driven
    by economic greed and colonial ambitions.
  3. The Igbo People:
    The Igbo people have such a rich heritage, vibrant culture, intellectual
    achievements, and significant contributions to various fields.
    Chinua Achebe, one of Africa’s most celebrated authors, hails from the
    Igbo community. His groundbreaking novel ‘Things Fall Apart’ not only
    introduced the world to Igbo culture but also challenged Western
    perspectives on how they viewed African societies. Chimamanda Ngozi
    Adichie – Half of A Yellow Sun
    In the realm of economics, Igbo entrepreneurs have excelled both within
    their local communities and on the global stage. Their entrepreneurial
    skills have led to the establishment of thriving businesses and trade
    networks. The Igbo market system, characterized by its dynamic nature
    and extensive reach, serves as a testament to their economic acumen.
    This tradition continues to influence modern economic practices in the
    “Furthermore, Igbo political leaders and activists have played pivotal
    roles in advocating for social justice and equality. From the pre-colonial
    era to the present day, Igbo individuals have been at the forefront of
    advocating for their communities’ rights and representing their interests.
    The Igbos have demonstrated resilience in the face of political
    challenges, contributing to the broader struggle for human rights and
    democratic values.”
    “In the arts, Igbo creativity has left an indelible mark. From traditional
    music and dance to contemporary visual arts, Igbo people celebrate their
    culture and express our identity through various artistic forms. Our
    contributions have enriched the world’s cultural tapestry and provided a
    platform for the expression of Igbo narratives and values.”
    We have such strong communal values and traditions that have shaped
    our identity over generations.
  4. The Igbo Landing:
    What reference does the Igbo Landing have to Slavery, what is the Igbo
    In 1803 at St. Simons Island, Georgia, a group of 75 Igbo warriors from
    what is now Nigeria committed mass suicide by drowning rather than
    begin life in America as slaves. They survived the Middle Passage only
    to walk willingly into the sea wearing chains.
    A group of Igbo slaves, unwilling to endure the horrors of slavery any
    longer, made the courageous decision to reclaim their freedom by
    walking into the water and drowning themselves. This should not be
    seen as an act of defeat, but a powerful statement of resistance against
    the inhumane conditions they were subjected to.
  5. Legacy and Remembrance:
    It is important to keep the memory of the Igbo Landing alive. In
    remembering these events we acknowledge the pain and suffering
    endured by countless individuals during the transatlantic slave trade.
    Such remembrance is a step towards healing, understanding, and
    ensuring that history’s lessons are not forgotten.
  6. What Can You Do:
    I would like to encourage you all to delve deeper into the history of
    slavery, especially from the perspectives of marginalised communities
    like the Igbo people. Read books, attend lectures and festivals and
    engage in discussions to broaden your understanding. There is the need
    for continued conversations about the ongoing effects of slavery,
    including systemic racism and social inequalities, which are still
    prevalent today. Plug Lit & Phil transatlantic Slavery discussion 27th
    September at Anthony Burgess Foundation, 3 Cambridge St 6pm. The
    Guardian also.
  7. Conclusion:
    Historical context – Transatlantic slave trade was the worst and darkest
    things in human history.
    The Igbo People – have a rich heritage, vibrant culture, and have
    contributed significant intellectual achievements to various fields.
    The Igbo Landing – The Igbo Landing refers to the tragic event in which a
    group of enslaved Igbo individuals chose to drown themselves in
    Georgia’s waters as an act of defiance against the brutality of slavery
    and a poignant display of their yearning for freedom.
    Remembrance – Keep the memory of the Igbo Landing alive. Ensuring
    that history’s lessons are not forgotten and therefore not repeated.
    Call to Action – Expand your own knowledge in memory of those who
    suffered during the transatlantic slave trade.
    I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity to speak and share my
    Finally in ensuring that the past is never forgotten and that humanity
    continues to strive for a more just and equitable future it is important to
    exercise empathy, education and collective action.